Foundation for Victims of Local Anesthesia
Bosscher stichting
Vlierbessenstraat 5
3235 EX  Rockanje
The Netherlands

+31 181 404050


Appeal to Dentists and Dental Surgeons!

Given our experience with patients and local anesthesia, we appeal to you to consider putting together a medical questionnaire (see below for more information) with questions for your patients relating to the possibility of pregnancy, medical complaints concerning cardiovascular and nervous systems, and allergies. Place this questionnaire in your waiting room (if you have not already done so) and ask your patients to fill in the form before every treatment.

The answers from the questionnaire not only enable you to deal efficiently with local anesthetics for your patients, but also serve as a formal "back-up" in case of unexpected occurrences, as well as saving you time asking unnecessary questions.